Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Summer Solstice Adventure: Morning

Roar! After breakfast I decided to ride north through Queens to see what I could find.
It had turned into a beautiful morning and I thought it would be nice to enjoy the day the way I used to back in the Victorian era. Luckily I was passing by Mt. Zion cemetery so I decided to take a nice stroll through the cemetery.
Back when the cemeteries were first established in the 19th century there was still a lot of open green space to enjoy. Since this was before public parks, people used to come to the cemeteries for picnics. However, unlike in the 19th century, things are now a bit more crowded. Roar!
Despite the lack of open space, all the rocks and English ivy growing everywhere were making a great habitat for some of my relatives!
Here I am relaxing on a bench in one of the few open areas left in Mt. Zion cemetery. Behind me you can see the Sanitation Department's waste processing center. It looks so ominous looming over the cemetery like that! Roar!

After my stroll through the cemetery I decided it might be fun to do some more of the key to city locations so I rode on over to Jackson Heights.
Roar! Here I am outside the office of New York City council member Daniel Dromm.
Turns out my key opens the display case with this flag in it. I wonder what will be behind the flag?
Why, it looks like a bunch of people have been leaving messages here! Maybe I'll put up a sticker... Roar! Get along little doggy, Sheriff T-Rex is town! 

Next, I rode east until I hit the river and one of my favorite parks in the city...

Roar! I just love the Socrates Sculpture Park. There are a bunch of new pieces on display since I was last here in the fall. This piece is called "Facade." One side is covered in beautiful images of nature and the other side with scenes of urban decay. If you ask me it all seems a bit heavy clawed.
Roar! I pushed this tree stump over only to find it had a bunch of tubes and wires for roots?! I wonder what these artists are going for? 
This was a cool piece where the boat and everything on it was found in Jamaica Bay. The sculpture was called "Deadhorse." It looks like this artist has a good sense of humor about what they are doing. Roar! 

Visiting the park was really fun. There are always so many great events happening. There was even going to be a concert later in the day. It was park of Make Music New York. Turns out there were concerts happening all over the city. Maybe I'll go and see one later in the day. 
Next, I headed up to northern Astoria to check out Build it Green, a really cool place that helps recycle more "unorthodox" material in order to held keep New York City my favorite color!
Wow! Look at some of the crazy stuff they have here. I could even start my very own Diner. I'll call it T-Rex's T-Ruck Stop! Maybe they'll even film a movie there! Roar!
Wow! I can even get my skin done here! Maybe I'll finally go for that bluer shade of green I was thinking about last solstice.
Woah! They even have this sweet, sweet mantle! It sure would be cool to have this in my place.
Check out this awesome sculpture! Maybe I should have brought Giraffe along with me today. She would have loved this! 
Yikes! There were even a number of creepy things at Build it Green like a bunch of coffins and even this weird mummified bear that used to be in the Smithsonian. I wonder how it ended up here? Roar!

It sure was a fun exploring Queens all morning. It's such a great borough and there is always so much to explore. I wonder what the Bronx will have to offer? Roar!

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