Monday, November 16, 2009

Crazy Clouds over NYC!

Roar! Today there were some crazy clouds over New York City. A bunch of cirrus clouds rolled in this afternoon and with them came some cool meteorological occurrences that aren't often seen in the city.

Here you can see all of the cirrus clouds overhead. They sure are pretty!

I was out at the park enjoying the day when the clouds rolled in. I'd been taking it easy this past week after my adventures in space and then with the awful weather we had the past few days, (I don't want to catch the dino-sniffles) but I just had to get out and enjoy what might be one of the last really nice days of the year.

I'm glad I went out because I got to see this sweet rain-less rainbow caused by the refraction of the sunlight through the ice crystals in the cirrus clouds. Isn't science cool!? Roar!

Here I am checking out the pretty rainbow!

Another event that occurred was a sun dog. This is when the light refracting through the ice crystals in the cirrus clouds causes bright spots of lights to appear in the sky next to the sun. Here you can see a minor sun dog in the clouds to the left of the sun.

Here is a cooler picture of the sun dog. You can see it in the sky next to the sun. You can even see a bit of the halo that forms around the sun do to the refraction of light. The technical term for a sun dog is "parhelion." My friends all tell me I should study to be a professor since I like science so much. Wouldn't that be a crazy sight?! A dinosaur professor! Still all the science behind it doesn't change how pretty the sky was today! Roar!


  1. To me, this is not about science, rather it is about the beautiful dinosaurus who can truly appreciate the Mother Nature's art.

  2. Aw, shucks. That sure was nice of you to say. Roar!
