Monday, March 8, 2010

T-Rex is on SITE!

Roar! This past weekend was the SITE performing arts festival in Bushwick. The festival had four main hub spaces which housed everything from theater, to music performances, to dance, as well as over twenty additional satellite spaces with all sorts of different performances. There were way to many things to see so I tried to pick a few that looked interesting and rode over to check them out. Most of the things I went to were pretty cool but unfortunately not everything worked out as planned. 

There first performance I tried to go to was called L'Echelle (the ladder). It was over on McKibben Street and was listed as "costing one dollar or one bone, lasting five minutes, and having no flash photography and no applause." It all sounded pretty intriguing so I dug one of my best bones out of storage and headed over to see what this performance is all about.

Here I am in front of 248 McKibben Street the place where the performance is supposed to happen. Now I just need to ring apartment 4V...

Let's see... 4S, 4T, 4U... What?! No 4V! Turns out the place for the performance listed in the SITE program doesn't even exist! I tried a bunch of different buzzers but no one answered and I missed the performance if it even happened at all. This wasn't the only time this happened with a satellite space. I also went to go see SUSHI which was listed as combined fake sushi with real art and the same thing happened. 

The hub spaces were a lot better organized. I went to go see some interpretive dance over at Chez Bushwick and had a great time. However, probably the coolest performance of the event was at a Satellite space way out in Ridgewood. It was called Colonial Bushwick. I almost didn't ride out to see because I was afraid it would be a waste of time, but boy, I sure am glad I did! 

Here I am visiting Colonial Bushwick, an interactive performance about colonial living in Bushwick put on by the theater group Babyskinglove.  Here I am with the head of Colonial Bushwick. I think she might be a little uncomfortable around dinosaurs. Roar!

Woah! Check out the big piece of meat that guy is cooking! It looks so delicious! Roar!

Here I am in my very own custom bonnet! Overall the colonial Bushwick experience was really great. I got to see traditional handy crafts, child rearing, and evening get an authentic school lesson! Plus, it was a really fun piece of interactive performance art! Hopefully next year's SITEFEST will have more things like this. Roar!

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