Saturday, September 5, 2009

ROARING at the Reservoir!

Roar! I rode out to Ridgewood Reservoir the other day. It was pretty awesome. Ridgewood Reservoir is this old decommissioned 19th century reservoir. Now it's just a nature reserve with all sorts of cool birds. It's fenced off so you can't get inside but everyone just sneaks in anyways.

Here's me hanging out in the woods by the reservoir. It's pretty rare to see unchecked growth like this in NYC. It's almost like being back in the cretaceous period. I had fun stomping around and scaring all the small mammals. "ROAR! Guess who's back guys!" There also were a ton of sassafras trees growing in the woods here. I dug up some of the smaller ones so I could make my own root beer. Should be tasty!

Here I am in front of the reservoir. It's all over grown inside and the water level is really low. You can make out one of the old pumping stations in the back.

Here is a better picture of me in front of the water. You can see all the cattails growing in along the edge of the reservoir. Mmmm... Cat tails... It's really beautiful here. I think I might come back out here sometime later in the fall and do some painting.

Or maybe I'll do a little right now.

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