Friday, February 19, 2010

Meredith Monk-eying Around!

Roar! Tonight was awesome! I went to see Meredith Monk, one of my favorite composers and vocal performers, give a free talk at the New School. She talked about the creative process and her own development as an artist. It was really cool to hear her speak, she also sang a few songs, played a couple pieces on the piano, and showed off some of her video projects.

Here Meredith is talking about what it was like being a blossoming artist living in New York during the 70's. She sure had some crazy stories! Roar!

Here are a series of stills from various video projects Meredith shared with us. The videos were all really wild and combined her love of music, theater, and dancing. It was fascinating to see how she combined all of the these different mediums in her own unique style.

Meredith then sang a bunch of songs. She did this one song where she sang a series of notes while making clicks sounds with her mouth! I had no idea a human could do that! Roar!

Lastly, Meredith played the piano for us. She performed one of my favorite songs, The Tale. It's the story of an old woman who is loosing her life so she sings about all the stuff she still has, like a telephone. "Hello?" It's pretty great!

Roar! Someone left the mic on! Maybe I should give a little performance of my own?! Roar!

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